Saturday, March 12, 2011

As we begin, a note of caution.

I'll warn you now: I'm pregnant.

While this blog will include occasional references to the process of bringing yet another needy, loud, essentially useless (though rather cute and at least blessedly small) human being into the world, especially the parts that are the most uncomfortable for me, I promise you now that I will do my damnedest to refrain from making this a mommyblog... or, until then, a pregoblog. Who doesn't hate that stuff? Women with marginal skill in humorous writing, acting as though they have something new and profound to contribute to the world's collective knowledge about babies, and/or convinced that their baby is the Best Baby Ever and of course everyone wants to read about him or her and see heavily Photoshopped pictures taken using a camera that is seriously overpowered for the purposes of family snapshots.

Which segues nicely into the second warning: I am prone to verbose rants.

And yet, I am not prone to being verbose in other matters, which brings us to the third warning: I will probably not update this blog nearly often enough to sustain your attention, which has undoubtedly been drastically shortened in span by prolonged Internet use. I apologize in advance, and will try not to apologize for this again, because the only thing more irritating than a post that took months to appear online is a post that begins with "I'm sorry I took months to post this. I've been (sick/busy/unemployed/pregnant/skydiving/in a coma)." Am I right?

Right. So now that I've narrowed down all the negative things you can expect, and all the things I'll try not to do, I shall summarize what will happen on this blog. I shall talk about my life, not excluding minutiae, nerdiness, intellectual elitism, zines, Instagram pictures of my dogs, DIY projects, limited traveling, musical endeavors, bibliophilia, and the establishment of a brand new rock 'n' roll camp for girls here in my hometown. I will strive to make it all funny, because usually it is, even/especially the parts that piss me off. I will write about significant things, and totally insignificant things, as the mood strikes. I will respond to as many comments as possible, even/especially the haters, because those are usually the funniest. I will try to be myself, and hope you'll take me as I am. Deal?

Okay! See you in a few weeks.